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See, smell, taste and touch: A sensory tasting to discover which is the best chorizo from La Rioja

By Tuesday May 30th, 2023July 28th, 2024No Comments

Chorizo riojano PGI is synonymous with quality. A centenary product that knows how to adapt to the new times, which is made with care following a careful elaboration process audited by the Protected Geographical Indication and that it is enjoyed with all five senses. But if you had to drink it blind, would you be able to recognize it?

That is precisely the challenge we have proposed to several consumers from different generations, in this particular blind tasting (here we could put the name of the challenge if you have already defined it).

We blindfolded them and gave them a taste of two types of chorizo. On one plate, several slices of chorizo from La Rioja IGP, and on the other, samples of another chorizo from La Rioja. Will they be able to discover which is the authentic chorizo from La Rioja IGP?

Discover our challenge.


Perhaps because its horseshoe shape and the smell of paprika, garlic and salt give it away. Or because its texture is softer and juicier, not very cured and it chews very well; just right for eating. Or because it “tastes more like chorizo” than other chorizos. Or because a simple slice can awaken memories of some of the happiest moments of our childhood, in the schoolyard, in the family home during the slaughter festivities or on a trip to the countryside.

For all these reasons, the result was unanimous: everyone guessed which was the chorizo from La Rioja PGI. And the fact is that those who try it have no doubts about its flavor and are able to recognize it even with their eyes closed.

“It smells a lot like paprika. It reminds me of my town; it's a fresh smell,” confesses one of the youngest participants.

Chorizo riojano PGI is the greatest exponent of the region's gastronomy and unites different generations. They all agree on one qualifier: “quality”.

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